Kunst –
das ist der Mensch.
Vincent Van Gogh
»Die Basis
aller Dinge«
denke ich zumindest
Zu zeichnen ist für mich pure Meditation für Körper und Geist.
Ohne STRG+Z, in physischer Form – durch physische Mittel übertragen.
Die Kombination aus analoger und digitaler Technik, scheint mir der optimalste Weg zu sein.
Being Addicted...
...an unquenchable desire, the loss of control, harmful to oneself and one's closest surroundings...
One strives to experience a specific feeling, that certain high, over and over again. Control over one's mind and behavior fades away. And instead of feeling that (happy) positive experience again, free expression and one's own personality are destroyed bit by bit.
Just as an addict strays from the norm, in my work the letters also deviate from the norm. The letters form the foundation, and around them, they are entwined by addictions.
An experiment in 8 letters.